Glaucoma - 5 Myths Debunked

Glaucoma - 5 Myths Debunked

Debunking myths and having the facts about glaucoma is essential to protect and preserve eye health.

#1 Only elderly people suffer from glaucoma

Although people over 60 are at a greater risk of developing glaucoma than people in their 40s, certain types of glaucoma can affect people aged 20 to 50 and even young children and infants (due to abnormal ocular development).

Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the world, according to the World Health Organization.  Because symptoms often don’t become noticeable until the disease is advanced, only about half of those with glaucoma even are aware they have it.

#2 A Person with glaucoma will become completely blind

Glaucoma does not lead to vision loss for most people. Frequent eye exams are the key to early diagnosis, increasing a person’s chances of maintaining good eyesight and leading a healthy lifestyle. With modern treatment, glaucoma is controllable.

#3 People with good vision can’t have glaucoma

The “silent thief of sight.” This is how we called glaucoma, because most types of glaucoma will not have any symptoms, and people with good vision may not notice any symptoms until the late stages.

The later the disease is diagnosed and treated, the more likely it is that noticeable vision loss may occur.

#4 There’s no treatment for glaucoma

While glaucoma is not curable, it is highly treatable. Many effective treatments are available, including eye drops, injectables, oral medicines, laser and surgical procedures to help reduce the pressure and fluid flow properly out of the eye.  In addition, treatment for glaucoma prevents it from causing damage to the optic nerve, which can lead to blindness.

#5 Surgery Can Cure Glaucoma

No, however, doctors can effectively use surgical procedures to prevent or slow further damage from occurring.

In addition, surgery may be recommended when medicines and office based laser treatments fail.

There are a few different types of surgery for glaucoma that can help lower the pressure in the eye: Trabeculectomy, Implants, MIGS... and there is CLASS (CO2 Laser Assisted Sclerectomy), developed by IOPtima.

CLASS is a non-penetrating and highly regulated procedure, thus providing an exceptional safety profile with a lower number of complications and reduced postoperative care requirements when compared to penetrating other procedures.

IOPtima is dedicated to improving ophthalmic care through the development and commercialization of innovative products for a wide range of ocular conditions.

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