How to Manage Dry Eye disease

How to Manage Dry Eye disease

July is Dry Eye Awareness Month, so IOPtima would like to present the first advertisements for the only preservative-free lipid-based eye drops, LIPITEAR™ MULTI, that are currently already available in Israel.

Patients with dry eye disease (DED) struggle with this issue because their eyes do not produce enough lubricant. If left untreated, dry eyes' irritation can harm the cornea and have an impact on eyesight.

All the time, our eyes are crying. These tears are produced to form a "tear film," not out of sadness or pain. The tear film shields the eyes and supplies them with the moisture they require for clear, healthy vision.

Three layers make up the tear film: fat-based oils, thin water layer and mucus.

These layers maintain the lubricated, clear, and smooth surface of your eyes. Dry eyes syndromes can be a result of issues with any of these layers. When this occurs, blinking is unable to produce the optimal "tear film" that is necessary to shield and calm the eye.

Symptoms of dry eye include:

- Burning or stinging

- Particles in the eye

- Gritty, sandy feeling

- Itchiness

- Redness and inflammation

- Stringy mucus

- Extreme sensitivity

- Transient blurry vision

- Increased sensitivity to light

You may have dry eye if you have these symptoms, although they can also be brought on by other disorders. Your vision may be impacted by the pain that comes from dry eyes. Your dry eye problems can be reduced with a comprehensive eye exam by an eye doctor and the right care treatment.

Artificial tears are available at any drugstore. These eyedrops may improve moisture by taking the role of the eye's natural tear film. They come in various brands with different ingredients, LIPITEAR™ MULTI is one of them.

For more information on dry eye or Lipitear, please contact us

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